Sophilia, didirikan oleh Pdt.Dr.Stephen Tong, pendiri Gereja Reformed Injili Indonesia, berada di lantai 6, Calvin Tower, di Komplek Gereja pusat Reformed Injili Indonesia, Jl.Industri, Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat, sopilia adalah suatu museum yang berisikan koleksi pribadi Pdt.Dr.Stephen.tong yang mengkhususkan kepada seni klasik Eropa dan seni kuno Cina.Aula Simfonia di sebelah museum (Aldi)
SOPHILIA FINE ART CENTER adalah tempat terakhir yang kami kunjungi di jakrta sebelum menuju ke bandung. kesan saya saat pertama kali sampai saya kurang excited karna pertama kali masuk bangunan tidak ada hal yang terlihat istimewa. sebelum kami memulai kegiatan kami briefing dan disambut oleh pihak museum di satu ruangan. disitu kami diberitahu tentang jenis jenis isi yang ada di museum. setelah itu kami langsung dibagi ke 2 kelompok a dan b. kami langsung dibawa ke lantai atas untuk melihat isi museum. kami pertama kali dibawa untuk melihat museum sejarah kerajaan china. disini kami di perlihatkan dengan pedang kerajaan china yang ada sebelum dinasti 1 china. lalu kami juga diperlihatkan sebuah piring porcelain yang sangat bersejarah dan terkenal. kami juga diberitahu bahan bahan untuk membuat, cara membuat, dan proses membuat.setelah itu kami dibawa ke museum western. kami dijelaskan tentang 3 lukisan yang memiliki makna yang sangat dalam dan termasuk lukisan yang terkenal yaitu lukisan school of athens, the last supper, nightwatch. kami diceritakan tentang sejarah masing masing lukisan, makna dari lukisan tsb, dan maksud yang disembunyikan. setelah menyelesaikan kami dibawa kembali ke ruangan awal. lalu kami diajak ke satu ruangan choir terbaik di asia tenggara dan no 4 di dunia. di ruangan tsb terdapat banyak foto dan lukisan dari beberapa musisi terbaik dunia. tempat ini juga memiliki banyak kelebihan salah satunya suara sekecil apapun bisa terdengar. kami juga diberitahu mengapa Pdt.Dr.Stephen.tong membuat tempat choir ini.Kelompok A kelas 9 (Pak Danoe)
Kelompok B kelas 9 (Pak Danoe)
Dari tempat ini kita dapat memaknai tema God is Discovering bahwa tuhan memberi sebuah sejarah untuk dicintai, dipelajari,juga dijaga dan kita juga harus belajar menghargai karya seni dari orang lain. sehingga karya kita juga dapat dipelajari dan dihargai oleh orang lain.
Sophilia Fine Art Center is founded by Rev.Dr. Stenen Tong, founder of the Evangelical Reformed Church of Indonesia, it is located on the 6th floor of Calvin Tower, in the Reformed Injili Indonesia Central Church Complex, Jl.Industri, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, sopile is a museum containing private collections Rev. Dr. Stephen.tong specializing in classical European art and ancient Chinese art.
SOPHILIA FINE ART CENTER is the last place we visited in Jakarta before heading to Bandung. my first impression was less excited because the first time I entered the building there was nothing that looked special. before we start our activities we are welcomed by one of the people from there in one room. there we were told about the types of contents in the museum. after that we were immediately divided into 2 groups a and b. we were immediately taken upstairs to see the contents of the museum. we were first brought to see the china royal history museum. here we are shown with the Chinese royal sword that was before the 1st Chinese dynasty. then we were also shown a very historic and famous porcelain plate. we were also told the ingredients to make, how to make, and the process of making. After that we were taken to a western museum. we explained about 3 paintings that have very deep meaning and include famous paintings, namely painting of school of athens, the last supper, nightwatch. we are told about the history of each painting, the meaning of the painting, and the purpose hidden. after finishing we were taken back to the initial room. then we were invited to one of the best choir rooms in Southeast Asia and No. 4 in the world. in the room there are many photos and paintings from some of the world's best musicians. this place also has many advantages, one of them is the slightest sound can be heard. we were also told why Rev.Dr.Stephen.tong made this choir place.
From this place we can interpret the theme of God is Discovering that God gives a history to be loved, studied, and also guarded and we also have to learn to respect works of art from other people. so that our work can also be learned and appreciated by others.